#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# aeneas is a Python/C library and a set of tools
# to automagically synchronize audio and text (aka forced alignment)
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Alberto Pettarin (www.albertopettarin.it)
# Copyright (C) 2013-2015, ReadBeyond Srl (www.readbeyond.it)
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Alberto Pettarin (www.albertopettarin.it)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
This module contains the following classes:
* :class:`~aeneas.language.Language`, an enumeration of the supported languages.
[docs]class Language(object):
Enumeration of the supported languages.
A language is supported by ``aeneas`` if at least one of the built-in
TTS engine wrappers supports it.
Note that each TTS engine wrapper supports only a subset
of the languages listed below.
Consult the documentation of your TTS engine wrapper to
see the list of languages supported by it:
* :class:`~aeneas.ttswrappers.awsttswrapper.AWSTTSWrapper`
* :class:`~aeneas.ttswrappers.espeakttswrapper.ESPEAKTTSWrapper` (default TTS)
* :class:`~aeneas.ttswrappers.espeakngttswrapper.ESPEAKNGTTSWrapper`
* :class:`~aeneas.ttswrappers.festivalttswrapper.FESTIVALTTSWrapper`
* :class:`~aeneas.ttswrappers.nuancettswrapper.NuanceTTSWrapper`
Each language is indicated by its ISO 639-3 language code.
AFR = "afr"
""" Afrikaans """
AMH = "amh"
""" Amharic """
ARA = "ara"
""" Arabic """
ARG = "arg"
""" Aragonese """
ASM = "asm"
""" Assamese """
AZE = "aze"
""" Azerbaijani """
BEN = "ben"
""" Bengali """
BOS = "bos"
""" Bosnian """
BUL = "bul"
""" Bulgarian """
CAT = "cat"
""" Catalan """
CES = "ces"
""" Czech """
CMN = "cmn"
""" Mandarin Chinese """
CYM = "cym"
""" Welsh """
DAN = "dan"
""" Danish """
DEU = "deu"
""" German """
ELL = "ell"
""" Greek (Modern) """
ENG = "eng"
""" English """
EPO = "epo"
""" Esperanto """
EST = "est"
""" Estonian """
EUS = "eus"
""" Basque """
FAS = "fas"
""" Persian """
FIN = "fin"
""" Finnish """
FRA = "fra"
""" French """
GLA = "gla"
""" Scottish Gaelic """
GLE = "gle"
""" Irish """
GLG = "glg"
""" Galician """
GRC = "grc"
""" Greek (Ancient) """
GRN = "grn"
""" Guarani """
GUJ = "guj"
""" Gujarati """
HEB = "heb"
""" Hebrew """
HIN = "hin"
""" Hindi """
HRV = "hrv"
""" Croatian """
HUN = "hun"
""" Hungarian """
HYE = "hye"
""" Armenian """
INA = "ina"
""" Interlingua """
IND = "ind"
""" Indonesian """
ISL = "isl"
""" Icelandic """
ITA = "ita"
""" Italian """
JBO = "jbo"
""" Lojban """
JPN = "jpn"
""" Japanese """
KAL = "kal"
""" Greenlandic """
KAN = "kan"
""" Kannada """
KAT = "kat"
""" Georgian """
KIR = "kir"
""" Kirghiz """
KOR = "kor"
""" Korean """
KUR = "kur"
""" Kurdish """
LAT = "lat"
""" Latin """
LAV = "lav"
""" Latvian """
LFN = "lfn"
""" Lingua Franca Nova """
LIT = "lit"
""" Lithuanian """
MAL = "mal"
""" Malayalam """
MAR = "mar"
""" Marathi """
MKD = "mkd"
""" Macedonian """
MLT = "mlt"
""" Maltese """
MSA = "msa"
""" Malay """
MYA = "mya"
""" Burmese """
NAH = "nah"
""" Nahuatl """
NEP = "nep"
""" Nepali """
NLD = "nld"
""" Dutch """
NOR = "nor"
""" Norwegian """
ORI = "ori"
""" Oriya """
ORM = "orm"
""" Oromo """
PAN = "pan"
""" Panjabi """
PAP = "pap"
""" Papiamento """
POL = "pol"
""" Polish """
POR = "por"
""" Portuguese """
RON = "ron"
""" Romanian """
RUS = "rus"
""" Russian """
SIN = "sin"
""" Sinhala """
SLK = "slk"
""" Slovak """
SLV = "slv"
""" Slovenian """
SPA = "spa"
""" Spanish """
SQI = "sqi"
""" Albanian """
SRP = "srp"
""" Serbian """
SWA = "swa"
""" Swahili """
SWE = "swe"
""" Swedish """
TAM = "tam"
""" Tamil """
TAT = "tat"
""" Tatar """
TEL = "tel"
""" Telugu """
THA = "tha"
""" Thai """
TSN = "tsn"
""" Tswana """
TUR = "tur"
""" Turkish """
UKR = "ukr"
""" Ukrainian """
URD = "urd"
""" Urdu """
VIE = "vie"
""" Vietnamese """
YUE = "yue"
""" Yue Chinese """
ZHO = "zho"
""" Chinese """
AFR: u"Afrikaans",
AMH: u"Amharic",
ARA: u"Arabic",
ARG: u"Aragonese",
ASM: u"Assamese",
AZE: u"Azerbaijani",
BEN: u"Bengali",
BOS: u"Bosnian",
BUL: u"Bulgarian",
CAT: u"Catalan",
CES: u"Czech",
CMN: u"Mandarin Chinese",
CYM: u"Welsh",
DAN: u"Danish",
DEU: u"German",
ELL: u"Greek (Modern)",
ENG: u"English",
EPO: u"Esperanto",
EST: u"Estonian",
EUS: u"Basque",
FAS: u"Persian",
FIN: u"Finnish",
FRA: u"French",
GLA: u"Scottish Gaelic",
GLE: u"Irish",
GLG: u"Galician",
GRC: u"Greek (Ancient)",
GRN: u"Guarani",
GUJ: u"Gujarati",
HEB: u"Hebrew",
HIN: u"Hindi",
HRV: u"Croatian",
HUN: u"Hungarian",
HYE: u"Armenian",
INA: u"Interlingua",
IND: u"Indonesian",
ISL: u"Icelandic",
ITA: u"Italian",
JBO: u"Lojban",
JPN: u"Japanese",
KAL: u"Greenlandic",
KAN: u"Kannada",
KAT: u"Georgian",
KIR: u"Kirghiz",
KOR: u"Korean",
KUR: u"Kurdish",
LAT: u"Latin",
LAV: u"Latvian",
LFN: u"Lingua Franca Nova",
LIT: u"Lithuanian",
MAL: u"Malayalam",
MAR: u"Marathi",
MKD: u"Macedonian",
MLT: u"Maltese",
MSA: u"Malay",
MYA: u"Burmese",
NAH: u"Nahuatl",
NEP: u"Nepali",
NLD: u"Dutch",
NOR: u"Norwegian",
ORI: u"Oriya",
ORM: u"Oromo",
PAN: u"Panjabi",
PAP: u"Papiamento",
POL: u"Polish",
POR: u"Portuguese",
RON: u"Romanian",
RUS: u"Russian",
SIN: u"Sinhala",
SLK: u"Slovak",
SLV: u"Slovenian",
SPA: u"Spanish",
SQI: u"Albanian",
SRP: u"Serbian",
SWA: u"Swahili",
SWE: u"Swedish",
TAM: u"Tamil",
TAT: u"Tatar",
TEL: u"Telugu",
THA: u"Thai",
TSN: u"Tswana",
TUR: u"Turkish",
UKR: u"Ukrainian",
URD: u"Urdu",
VIE: u"Vietnamese",
YUE: u"Yue Chinese",
ZHO: u"Chinese",
""" Map from language code to human-readable name """
""" List of all the allowed values """
CODE_TO_HUMAN_LIST = sorted([u"%s\t%s" % (k, v) for k, v in CODE_TO_HUMAN.items()])
""" List of all language codes with their human-readable names """