Source code for aeneas.plotter

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

# aeneas is a Python/C library and a set of tools
# to automagically synchronize audio and text (aka forced alignment)
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Alberto Pettarin (
# Copyright (C) 2013-2015, ReadBeyond Srl   (
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Alberto Pettarin (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

This module contains the following classes:

* :class:`~aeneas.plotter.Plotter`, for plotting waveforms and labels to image files;
* :class:`~aeneas.plotter.PlotterColors`, enumerating colors;
* :class:`~aeneas.plotter.PlotElement`, representing a generic plot element;
* :class:`~aeneas.plotter.PlotTimeScale`, representing a time scale;
* :class:`~aeneas.plotter.PlotLabelset`, representing a set of labels (annotations);
* :class:`~aeneas.plotter.PlotWaveform`, representing a waveform.

.. note:: This module requires Python module ``PIL`` (``pip install Pillow``).

.. warning:: This module is likely to be refactored in a future version

.. versionadded:: 1.5.0

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import math
import numpy

from aeneas.logger import Loggable
from aeneas.runtimeconfiguration import RuntimeConfiguration
import aeneas.globalfunctions as gf

[docs]class PlotterColors(object): """ Enumeration of colors for :class:`~aeneas.plotter.Plotter`. """ AUDACITY_BACKGROUND_GREY = (192, 192, 192) """ Audacity background grey """ AUDACITY_DARK_BLUE = (50, 50, 200) """ Audacity dark blue """ AUDACITY_LIGHT_BLUE = (100, 100, 220) """ Audacity light blue """ BLACK = (0, 0, 0) """ Black """ BLUE = (0, 0, 255) """ Blue """ GREEN = (0, 255, 0) """ Green """ RED = (255, 0, 0) """ Red """ WHITE = (255, 255, 255) """ White """
[docs]class Plotter(Loggable): """ Plot waveforms and labels to image files. :param rconf: a runtime configuration :type rconf: :class:`~aeneas.runtimeconfiguration.RuntimeConfiguration` :param logger: the logger object :type logger: :class:`~aeneas.logger.Logger` """ TAG = u"Plotter" def __init__(self, rconf=None, logger=None): super(Plotter, self).__init__(rconf=rconf, logger=logger) self.waveform = None self.timescale = None self.labelsets = []
[docs] def add_waveform(self, waveform): """ Add a waveform to the plot. :param waveform: the waveform to be added :type waveform: :class:`~aeneas.plotter.PlotWaveform` :raises: TypeError: if ``waveform`` is not an instance of :class:`~aeneas.plotter.PlotWaveform` """ if not isinstance(waveform, PlotWaveform): self.log_exc(u"waveform must be an instance of PlotWaveform", None, True, TypeError) self.waveform = waveform self.log(u"Added waveform")
[docs] def add_timescale(self, timescale): """ Add a time scale to the plot. :param timescale: the timescale to be added :type timescale: :class:`~aeneas.plotter.PlotTimeScale` :raises: TypeError: if ``timescale`` is not an instance of :class:`~aeneas.plotter.PlotTimeScale` """ if not isinstance(timescale, PlotTimeScale): self.log_exc(u"timescale must be an instance of PlotTimeScale", None, True, TypeError) self.timescale = timescale self.log(u"Added timescale")
[docs] def add_labelset(self, labelset): """ Add a set of labels to the plot. :param labelset: the set of labels to be added :type labelset: :class:`~aeneas.plotter.PlotLabelset` :raises: TypeError: if ``labelset`` is not an instance of :class:`~aeneas.plotter.PlotLabelset` """ if not isinstance(labelset, PlotLabelset): self.log_exc(u"labelset must be an instance of PlotLabelset", None, True, TypeError) self.labelsets.append(labelset) self.log(u"Added labelset")
[docs] def draw_png(self, output_file_path, h_zoom=5, v_zoom=30): """ Draw the current plot to a PNG file. :param string output_path: the path of the output file to be written :param int h_zoom: the horizontal zoom :param int v_zoom: the vertical zoom :raises: ImportError: if module ``PIL`` cannot be imported :raises: OSError: if ``output_file_path`` cannot be written """ # check that output_file_path can be written if not gf.file_can_be_written(output_file_path): self.log_exc(u"Cannot write to output file '%s'" % (output_file_path), None, True, OSError) # get widths and cumulative height, in modules widths = [ls.width for ls in self.labelsets] sum_height = sum([ls.height for ls in self.labelsets]) if self.waveform is not None: widths.append(self.waveform.width) sum_height += self.waveform.height if self.timescale is not None: sum_height += self.timescale.height # in modules image_width = max(widths) image_height = sum_height # in pixels image_width_px = image_width * h_zoom image_height_px = image_height * v_zoom # build image object self.log([u"Building image with size (modules): %d %d", image_width, image_height]) self.log([u"Building image with size (px): %d %d", image_width_px, image_height_px]) image_obj ="RGB", (image_width_px, image_height_px), color=PlotterColors.AUDACITY_BACKGROUND_GREY) current_y = 0 if self.waveform is not None: self.log(u"Drawing waveform") self.waveform.draw_png(image_obj, h_zoom, v_zoom, current_y) current_y += self.waveform.height timescale_y = current_y if self.timescale is not None: # NOTE draw as the last thing # COMMENTED self.log(u"Drawing timescale") # COMMENTED self.timescale.draw_png(image_obj, h_zoom, v_zoom, current_y) current_y += self.timescale.height for labelset in self.labelsets: self.log(u"Drawing labelset") labelset.draw_png(image_obj, h_zoom, v_zoom, current_y) current_y += labelset.height if self.timescale is not None: self.log(u"Drawing timescale") self.timescale.draw_png(image_obj, h_zoom, v_zoom, timescale_y) self.log([u"Saving to file '%s'", output_file_path])
[docs]class PlotElement(Loggable): """ A generic element of a Plot. :param rconf: a runtime configuration :type rconf: :class:`~aeneas.runtimeconfiguration.RuntimeConfiguration` :param logger: the logger object :type logger: :class:`~aeneas.logger.Logger` """ FONT_PATH = gf.absolute_path("res/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf", __file__) """ Path of the font to be used for drawing """ TICK_WIDTH = 2 """ A tick will be drawn with (1 + 2 times this value) pixels """ TEXT_MARGIN = 2 """ Margin between text and anchor point, in pixels """ TAG = u"PlotElement" def __init__(self, label=None, rconf=None, logger=None): super(PlotElement, self).__init__(rconf=rconf, logger=logger) self.label = label @property def height(self): """ The height of this element, in modules. :rtype: int """ return 0 @property def width(self): """ The width of this element, in modules. :rtype: int """ return 0
[docs] def text_bounding_box(self, size_pt, text): """ Return the bounding box of the given text at the given font size. :param int size_pt: the font size in points :param string text: the text :rtype: tuple (width, height) """ if size_pt == 12: mult = {"h": 9, "w_digit": 5, "w_space": 2} elif size_pt == 18: mult = {"h": 14, "w_digit": 9, "w_space": 2} num_chars = len(text) return (num_chars * mult["w_digit"] + (num_chars - 1) * mult["w_space"] + 1, mult["h"])
[docs]class PlotTimeScale(PlotElement): """ A time scale. :param float max_time: the maximum length of the time scale :param int time_step: the step of the time scale numbers :param rconf: a runtime configuration :type rconf: :class:`~aeneas.runtimeconfiguration.RuntimeConfiguration` :param logger: the logger object :type logger: :class:`~aeneas.logger.Logger` """ TAG = u"PlotTimeScale" def __init__(self, max_time, time_step=1, rconf=None, logger=None): super(PlotTimeScale, self).__init__(rconf=rconf, logger=logger) self.max_time = max_time self.time_step = time_step self.log(u"Created time scale with") self.log([u" max_time: %.3f", self.max_time]) self.log([u" time_step: %d", self.time_step]) @property def height(self): return 1 @property def width(self): return int(self.max_time / self.rconf.mws) def _time_string(self, value): """ Get a suitable time string ("ss", "mm:ss", "hh:mm:ss"), according to the maximum time. :param int value: the time value :rtype: string """ if self.max_time < 60: return "%02d" % (value) elif self.max_time < 3600: mm = value // 60 ss = value - mm * 60 return "%02d:%02d" % (mm, ss) hh = value // 3600 mm = (value - hh * 3600) // 60 ss = (value - hh * 3600 - mm * 60) return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hh, mm, ss)
[docs] def draw_png(self, image, h_zoom, v_zoom, current_y): """ Draw this time scale to PNG. :param image: the image to draw onto :param int h_zoom: the horizontal zoom :param int v_zoom: the vertical zoom :param int current_y: the current y offset, in modules :type image: :class:`PIL.Image` """ # PIL object draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) mws = self.rconf.mws pixels_per_second = int(h_zoom / mws) current_y_px = current_y * v_zoom # create font, as tall as possible font_height_pt = 18 font = ImageFont.truetype(self.FONT_PATH, font_height_pt) # draw a tick every self.time_step seconds for i in range(0, 1 + int(self.max_time), self.time_step): # base x position begin_px = i * pixels_per_second # tick left_px = begin_px - self.TICK_WIDTH right_px = begin_px + self.TICK_WIDTH top_px = current_y_px bottom_px = current_y_px + v_zoom draw.rectangle((left_px, top_px, right_px, bottom_px), fill=PlotterColors.BLACK) # text time_text = self._time_string(i) left_px = begin_px + self.TICK_WIDTH + self.TEXT_MARGIN top_px = current_y_px + (v_zoom - self.text_bounding_box(font_height_pt, time_text)[1]) // 2 draw.text((left_px, top_px), time_text, PlotterColors.BLACK, font=font)
[docs]class PlotLabelset(PlotElement): """ A set of labels. :param list labelset: a list of triples ``(begin, end, label)`` of type ``(float, float, string)``, times in seconds :param string label: a label for this set :param dict parameters: a dictionary holding drawing parameters :param rconf: a runtime configuration :type rconf: :class:`~aeneas.runtimeconfiguration.RuntimeConfiguration` :param logger: the logger object :type logger: :class:`~aeneas.logger.Logger` """ DEFAULT_PARAMETERS = { "labels": False, "begin_time": False, "end_time": False, "begin_guide": False, "end_guide": False, "color": PlotterColors.BLACK } TAG = u"PlotLabelset" def __init__(self, labelset, label=None, parameters=None, rconf=None, logger=None): super(PlotLabelset, self).__init__(label=label, rconf=rconf, logger=logger) self.labelset = labelset self.parameters = dict(self.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS) if parameters is None else parameters self.log(u"Created label set with") self.log([u" label: %s", self.label]) self.log([u" number of labels: %d", len(self.labelset)]) self.log([u" parameters: %s", self.parameters]) @property def height(self): return 2 @property def width(self): try: return int(self.labelset[-1][1] / self.rconf.mws) except: return 0
[docs] def draw_png(self, image, h_zoom, v_zoom, current_y): """ Draw this set of labels to PNG. :param image: the image to draw onto :param int h_zoom: the horizontal zoom :param int v_zoom: the vertical zoom :param int current_y: the current y offset, in modules :type image: :class:`PIL.Image` """ # PIL object draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) mws = self.rconf.mws pixels_per_second = int(h_zoom / mws) # font for begin/end times time_font_height_pt = 12 time_font = ImageFont.truetype(self.FONT_PATH, time_font_height_pt) # font for labels label_font_height_pt = 18 label_font = ImageFont.truetype(self.FONT_PATH, label_font_height_pt) current_y_px = current_y * v_zoom + 0.25 * v_zoom for (begin, end, label) in self.labelset: # base x position begin_px = int(begin * pixels_per_second) end_px = int(end * pixels_per_second) # select color for the horizontal bar if label == "speech": color = PlotterColors.RED elif label == "nonspeech": color = PlotterColors.GREEN else: color = self.parameters["color"] # horizontal bar bar_top_px = current_y_px + v_zoom * 0.5 - self.TICK_WIDTH bar_bottom_px = bar_top_px + 2 * self.TICK_WIDTH bar_left_px = begin_px bar_right_px = end_px draw.rectangle((bar_left_px, bar_top_px, bar_right_px, bar_bottom_px), fill=color) # left guide if self.parameters["begin_guide"]: top_px = 0 bottom_px = current_y_px + v_zoom left_px = begin_px draw.rectangle((left_px, top_px, left_px, bottom_px), fill=color) # left tick top_px = current_y_px bottom_px = current_y_px + v_zoom left_px = begin_px right_px = begin_px + self.TICK_WIDTH draw.rectangle((left_px, top_px, right_px, bottom_px), fill=PlotterColors.BLACK) # right guide if self.parameters["end_guide"]: top_px = 0 bottom_px = current_y_px + v_zoom left_px = end_px draw.rectangle((left_px, top_px, left_px, bottom_px), fill=color) # right tick top_px = current_y_px bottom_px = current_y_px + v_zoom left_px = end_px - self.TICK_WIDTH right_px = end_px draw.rectangle((left_px, top_px, right_px, bottom_px), fill=PlotterColors.BLACK) # begin time if self.parameters["begin_time"]: sb = ("%.03f" % (begin - int(begin)))[2:] left_px = begin_px + self.TICK_WIDTH + self.TEXT_MARGIN top_px = current_y_px - self.TEXT_MARGIN draw.text((left_px, top_px), sb, PlotterColors.BLACK, font=time_font) # end time if self.parameters["end_time"]: se = ("%.03f" % (end - int(end)))[2:] left_px = end_px - self.TEXT_MARGIN - self.TICK_WIDTH - self.text_bounding_box(time_font_height_pt, se)[0] top_px = current_y_px + v_zoom - self.text_bounding_box(time_font_height_pt, sb)[1] draw.text((left_px, top_px), se, PlotterColors.BLACK, font=time_font) # interval label if self.parameters["labels"]: left_px = begin_px + (end_px - begin_px - self.text_bounding_box(label_font_height_pt, label)[0]) // 2 top_px = current_y_px + v_zoom draw.text((left_px, top_px), label, PlotterColors.BLACK, font=label_font) # label left_px = 0 top_px = current_y_px + v_zoom if self.label is not None: draw.text((left_px, top_px), self.label, PlotterColors.BLACK, font=label_font)
[docs]class PlotWaveform(PlotElement): """ An audio file waveform. :param audio_file: the audio file from which the waveform must be drawn :type audio_file: :class:`~aeneas.audiofile.AudioFile` :param string label: a label for this waveform :param bool fast: if ``True``, plot fast (only max, mirrored) :param rconf: a runtime configuration :type rconf: :class:`~aeneas.runtimeconfiguration.RuntimeConfiguration` :param logger: the logger object :type logger: :class:`~aeneas.logger.Logger` """ TAG = u"PlotWaveform" def __init__(self, audio_file, label=None, fast=False, rconf=None, logger=None): super(PlotWaveform, self).__init__(label=label, rconf=rconf, logger=logger) self.audio_file = audio_file = fast self.log(u"Created waveform with") self.log([u" label: %s", self.label]) self.log([u" audio_length: %.3f", self.audio_file.audio_length]) self.log([u" fast: %s", str(]) @property def height(self): return 10 @property def width(self): try: return int(self.audio_file.audio_length / self.rconf.mws) except: return 0
[docs] def draw_png(self, image, h_zoom, v_zoom, current_y): """ Draw this waveform to PNG. :param image: the image to draw onto :param int h_zoom: the horizontal zoom :param int v_zoom: the vertical zoom :param int current_y: the current y offset, in modules :type image: :class:`PIL.Image` """ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) mws = self.rconf.mws rate = self.audio_file.audio_sample_rate samples = self.audio_file.audio_samples duration = self.audio_file.audio_length current_y_px = current_y * v_zoom half_waveform_px = (self.height // 2) * v_zoom zero_y_px = current_y_px + half_waveform_px samples_per_pixel = int(rate * mws / h_zoom) pixels_per_second = int(h_zoom / mws) windows = len(samples) // samples_per_pixel if self.label is not None: font_height_pt = 18 font = ImageFont.truetype(self.FONT_PATH, font_height_pt) draw.text((0, current_y_px), self.label, PlotterColors.BLACK, font=font) for i in range(windows): x = i * samples_per_pixel pos = numpy.clip(samples[x:(x + samples_per_pixel)], 0.0, 1.0) mpos = numpy.max(pos) * half_waveform_px if # just draw a simple version, mirroring max positive samples draw.line((i, zero_y_px + mpos, i, zero_y_px - mpos), fill=PlotterColors.AUDACITY_DARK_BLUE, width=1) else: # draw a better version, taking min and std of positive and negative samples neg = numpy.clip(samples[x:(x + samples_per_pixel)], -1.0, 0.0) spos = numpy.std(pos) * half_waveform_px sneg = numpy.std(neg) * half_waveform_px mneg = numpy.min(neg) * half_waveform_px draw.line((i, zero_y_px - mneg, i, zero_y_px - mpos), fill=PlotterColors.AUDACITY_DARK_BLUE, width=1) draw.line((i, zero_y_px + sneg, i, zero_y_px - spos), fill=PlotterColors.AUDACITY_LIGHT_BLUE, width=1)