Source code for aeneas.syncmap

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

# aeneas is a Python/C library and a set of tools
# to automagically synchronize audio and text (aka forced alignment)
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Alberto Pettarin (
# Copyright (C) 2013-2015, ReadBeyond Srl   (
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Alberto Pettarin (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

A synchronization map, or sync map,
is a map from text fragments to time intervals.

This package contains the following classes:

* :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.SyncMap`, represents a sync map as a tree of sync map fragments;
* :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.format.SyncMapFormat`, an enumeration of the supported output formats;
* :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.fragment.SyncMapFragment`, connects a text fragment with a ``begin`` and ``end`` time values;
* :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.fragmentlist.SyncMapFragmentList`, a list of sync map fragments with order constraints;
* :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.headtailformat.SyncMapHeadTailFormat`, an enumeration of the supported formats for the sync map head/tail.
* :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.missingparametererror.SyncMapMissingParameterError`, an error raised when reading sync maps from file;

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
import io
import json
import os

from aeneas.logger import Loggable
from aeneas.syncmap.format import SyncMapFormat
from aeneas.syncmap.fragment import SyncMapFragment
from aeneas.syncmap.fragmentlist import SyncMapFragmentList
from aeneas.syncmap.headtailformat import SyncMapHeadTailFormat
from aeneas.syncmap.missingparametererror import SyncMapMissingParameterError
from aeneas.textfile import TextFragment
from aeneas.tree import Tree
import aeneas.globalconstants as gc
import aeneas.globalfunctions as gf

[docs]class SyncMap(Loggable): """ A synchronization map, that is, a tree of :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.fragment.SyncMapFragment` objects. :param tree: the tree of fragments; if ``None``, an empty one will be created :type tree: :class:`~aeneas.tree.Tree` """ FINETUNEAS_REPLACEMENTS = [ ["<!-- AENEAS_REPLACE_COMMENT_BEGIN -->", "<!-- AENEAS_REPLACE_COMMENT_BEGIN"], ["<!-- AENEAS_REPLACE_COMMENT_END -->", "AENEAS_REPLACE_COMMENT_END -->"], ["<!-- AENEAS_REPLACE_UNCOMMENT_BEGIN", "<!-- AENEAS_REPLACE_UNCOMMENT_BEGIN -->"], ["AENEAS_REPLACE_UNCOMMENT_END -->", "<!-- AENEAS_REPLACE_UNCOMMENT_END -->"], ["// AENEAS_REPLACE_SHOW_ID", "showID = true;"], ["// AENEAS_REPLACE_ALIGN_TEXT", "alignText = \"left\""], ["// AENEAS_REPLACE_CONTINUOUS_PLAY", "continuousPlay = true;"], ["// AENEAS_REPLACE_TIME_FORMAT", "timeFormatHHMMSSmmm = true;"], ] FINETUNEAS_REPLACE_AUDIOFILEPATH = "// AENEAS_REPLACE_AUDIOFILEPATH" FINETUNEAS_REPLACE_FRAGMENTS = "// AENEAS_REPLACE_FRAGMENTS" FINETUNEAS_REPLACE_OUTPUT_FORMAT = "// AENEAS_REPLACE_OUTPUT_FORMAT" FINETUNEAS_REPLACE_SMIL_AUDIOREF = "// AENEAS_REPLACE_SMIL_AUDIOREF" FINETUNEAS_REPLACE_SMIL_PAGEREF = "// AENEAS_REPLACE_SMIL_PAGEREF" FINETUNEAS_ALLOWED_FORMATS = [ "csv", "json", "smil", "srt", "ssv", "ttml", "tsv", "txt", "vtt", "xml" ] FINETUNEAS_PATH = "../res/finetuneas.html" TAG = u"SyncMap" def __init__(self, tree=None, rconf=None, logger=None): if (tree is not None) and (not isinstance(tree, Tree)): raise TypeError(u"tree is not an instance of Tree") super(SyncMap, self).__init__(rconf=rconf, logger=logger) if tree is None: tree = Tree() self.fragments_tree = tree def __len__(self): return len(self.fragments) def __unicode__(self): return u"\n".join([f.__unicode__() for f in self.fragments]) def __str__(self): return gf.safe_str(self.__unicode__()) @property def fragments_tree(self): """ Return the current tree of fragments. :rtype: :class:`~aeneas.tree.Tree` """ return self.__fragments_tree @fragments_tree.setter def fragments_tree(self, fragments_tree): self.__fragments_tree = fragments_tree @property def is_single_level(self): """ Return ``True`` if the sync map has only one level, that is, if it is a list of fragments rather than a hierarchical tree. :rtype: bool """ return self.fragments_tree.height <= 2 @property def fragments(self): """ The current list of sync map fragments which are (the values of) the children of the root node of the sync map tree. :rtype: list of :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.fragment.SyncMapFragment` """ return self.fragments_tree.vchildren_not_empty
[docs] def leaves(self, fragment_type=None): """ The current list of sync map fragments which are (the values of) the leaves of the sync map tree. :rtype: list of :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.fragment.SyncMapFragment` .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 """ leaves = self.fragments_tree.vleaves_not_empty if fragment_type is None: return leaves return [l for l in leaves if l.fragment_type == fragment_type]
@property def has_adjacent_leaves_only(self): """ Return ``True`` if the sync map fragments which are the leaves of the sync map tree are all adjacent. :rtype: bool .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 """ leaves = self.leaves() for i in range(len(leaves) - 1): current_interval = leaves[i].interval next_interval = leaves[i + 1].interval if not current_interval.is_adjacent_before(next_interval): return False return True @property def has_zero_length_leaves(self): """ Return ``True`` if there is at least one sync map fragment which has zero length among the leaves of the sync map tree. :rtype: bool .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 """ for l in self.leaves(): if l.has_zero_length: return True return False @property def leaves_are_consistent(self): """ Return ``True`` if the sync map fragments which are the leaves of the sync map tree (except for HEAD and TAIL leaves) are all consistent, that is, their intervals do not overlap in forbidden ways. :rtype: bool .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 """ self.log(u"Checking if leaves are consistent") leaves = self.leaves() if len(leaves) < 1: self.log(u"Empty leaves => return True") return True min_time = min([l.interval.begin for l in leaves]) self.log([u" Min time: %.3f", min_time]) max_time = max([l.interval.end for l in leaves]) self.log([u" Max time: %.3f", max_time]) self.log(u" Creating SyncMapFragmentList...") smf = SyncMapFragmentList( begin=min_time, end=max_time, rconf=self.rconf, logger=self.logger ) self.log(u" Creating SyncMapFragmentList... done") self.log(u" Sorting SyncMapFragmentList...") result = True not_head_tail = [l for l in leaves if not l.is_head_or_tail] for l in not_head_tail: smf.add(l, sort=False) try: smf.sort() self.log(u" Sorting completed => return True") except ValueError: self.log(u" Exception while sorting => return False") result = False self.log(u" Sorting SyncMapFragmentList... done") return result @property def json_string(self): """ Return a JSON representation of the sync map. :rtype: string .. versionadded:: 1.3.1 """ def visit_children(node): """ Recursively visit the fragments_tree """ output_fragments = [] for child in node.children_not_empty: fragment = child.value text = fragment.text_fragment output_fragments.append({ "id": text.identifier, "language": text.language, "lines": text.lines, "begin": gf.time_to_ssmmm(fragment.begin), "end": gf.time_to_ssmmm(fragment.end), "children": visit_children(child) }) return output_fragments output_fragments = visit_children(self.fragments_tree) return gf.safe_unicode( json.dumps({"fragments": output_fragments}, indent=1, sort_keys=True) )
[docs] def add_fragment(self, fragment, as_last=True): """ Add the given sync map fragment, as the first or last child of the root node of the sync map tree. :param fragment: the sync map fragment to be added :type fragment: :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.fragment.SyncMapFragment` :param bool as_last: if ``True``, append fragment; otherwise prepend it :raises: TypeError: if ``fragment`` is ``None`` or it is not an instance of :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.fragment.SyncMapFragment` """ if not isinstance(fragment, SyncMapFragment): self.log_exc(u"fragment is not an instance of SyncMapFragment", None, True, TypeError) self.fragments_tree.add_child(Tree(value=fragment), as_last=as_last)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the sync map, removing all the current fragments. """ self.log(u"Clearing sync map") self.fragments_tree = Tree()
[docs] def clone(self): """ Return a deep copy of this sync map. .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 :rtype: :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.SyncMap` """ return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def output_html_for_tuning( self, audio_file_path, output_file_path, parameters=None ): """ Output an HTML file for fine tuning the sync map manually. :param string audio_file_path: the path to the associated audio file :param string output_file_path: the path to the output file to write :param dict parameters: additional parameters .. versionadded:: 1.3.1 """ if not gf.file_can_be_written(output_file_path): self.log_exc(u"Cannot output HTML file '%s'. Wrong permissions?" % (output_file_path), None, True, OSError) if parameters is None: parameters = {} audio_file_path_absolute = gf.fix_slash(os.path.abspath(audio_file_path)) template_path_absolute = gf.absolute_path(self.FINETUNEAS_PATH, __file__) with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file_obj: template = for repl in self.FINETUNEAS_REPLACEMENTS: template = template.replace(repl[0], repl[1]) template = template.replace( self.FINETUNEAS_REPLACE_AUDIOFILEPATH, u"audioFilePath = \"file://%s\";" % audio_file_path_absolute ) template = template.replace( self.FINETUNEAS_REPLACE_FRAGMENTS, u"fragments = (%s).fragments;" % self.json_string ) if gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_FORMAT in parameters: output_format = parameters[gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_FORMAT] if output_format in self.FINETUNEAS_ALLOWED_FORMATS: template = template.replace( self.FINETUNEAS_REPLACE_OUTPUT_FORMAT, u"outputFormat = \"%s\";" % output_format ) if output_format == "smil": for key, placeholder, replacement in [ ( gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_SMIL_AUDIO_REF, self.FINETUNEAS_REPLACE_SMIL_AUDIOREF, "audioref = \"%s\";" ), ( gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_SMIL_PAGE_REF, self.FINETUNEAS_REPLACE_SMIL_PAGEREF, "pageref = \"%s\";" ), ]: if key in parameters: template = template.replace( placeholder, replacement % parameters[key] ) with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file_obj: file_obj.write(template)
[docs] def read(self, sync_map_format, input_file_path, parameters=None): """ Read sync map fragments from the given file in the specified format, and add them the current (this) sync map. Return ``True`` if the call succeeded, ``False`` if an error occurred. :param sync_map_format: the format of the sync map :type sync_map_format: :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.SyncMapFormat` :param string input_file_path: the path to the input file to read :param dict parameters: additional parameters (e.g., for ``SMIL`` input) :raises: ValueError: if ``sync_map_format`` is ``None`` or it is not an allowed value :raises: OSError: if ``input_file_path`` does not exist """ if sync_map_format is None: self.log_exc(u"Sync map format is None", None, True, ValueError) if sync_map_format not in SyncMapFormat.CODE_TO_CLASS: self.log_exc(u"Sync map format '%s' is not allowed" % (sync_map_format), None, True, ValueError) if not gf.file_can_be_read(input_file_path): self.log_exc(u"Cannot read sync map file '%s'. Wrong permissions?" % (input_file_path), None, True, OSError) self.log([u"Input format: '%s'", sync_map_format]) self.log([u"Input path: '%s'", input_file_path]) self.log([u"Input parameters: '%s'", parameters]) reader = (SyncMapFormat.CODE_TO_CLASS[sync_map_format])( variant=sync_map_format, parameters=parameters, rconf=self.rconf, logger=self.logger ) # open file for reading self.log(u"Reading input file...") with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as input_file: input_text = reader.parse(input_text=input_text, syncmap=self) self.log(u"Reading input file... done") # overwrite language if requested language = gf.safe_get(parameters, gc.PPN_SYNCMAP_LANGUAGE, None) if language is not None: self.log([u"Overwriting language to '%s'", language]) for fragment in self.fragments: fragment.text_fragment.language = language
[docs] def write(self, sync_map_format, output_file_path, parameters=None): """ Write the current sync map to file in the requested format. Return ``True`` if the call succeeded, ``False`` if an error occurred. :param sync_map_format: the format of the sync map :type sync_map_format: :class:`~aeneas.syncmap.SyncMapFormat` :param string output_file_path: the path to the output file to write :param dict parameters: additional parameters (e.g., for ``SMIL`` output) :raises: ValueError: if ``sync_map_format`` is ``None`` or it is not an allowed value :raises: TypeError: if a required parameter is missing :raises: OSError: if ``output_file_path`` cannot be written """ def select_levels(syncmap, levels): """ Select the given levels of the fragments tree, modifying the given syncmap (always pass a copy of it!). """ self.log([u"Levels: '%s'", levels]) if levels is None: return try: levels = [int(l) for l in levels if int(l) > 0] syncmap.fragments_tree.keep_levels(levels) self.log([u"Selected levels: %s", levels]) except ValueError: self.log_warn(u"Cannot convert levels to list of int, returning unchanged") def set_head_tail_format(syncmap, head_tail_format=None): """ Set the appropriate head/tail nodes of the fragments tree, modifying the given syncmap (always pass a copy of it!). """ self.log([u"Head/tail format: '%s'", str(head_tail_format)]) tree = syncmap.fragments_tree head = tree.get_child(0) first = tree.get_child(1) last = tree.get_child(-2) tail = tree.get_child(-1) # mark HEAD as REGULAR if needed if head_tail_format == SyncMapHeadTailFormat.ADD: head.value.fragment_type = SyncMapFragment.REGULAR self.log(u"Marked HEAD as REGULAR") # stretch first and last fragment timings if needed if head_tail_format == SyncMapHeadTailFormat.STRETCH: self.log([u"Stretched first.begin: %.3f => %.3f (head)", first.value.begin, head.value.begin]) self.log([u"Stretched last.end: %.3f => %.3f (tail)", last.value.end, tail.value.end]) first.value.begin = head.value.begin last.value.end = tail.value.end # mark TAIL as REGULAR if needed if head_tail_format == SyncMapHeadTailFormat.ADD: tail.value.fragment_type = SyncMapFragment.REGULAR self.log(u"Marked TAIL as REGULAR") # remove all fragments that are not REGULAR for node in list(tree.dfs): if (node.value is not None) and (node.value.fragment_type != SyncMapFragment.REGULAR): node.remove() if sync_map_format is None: self.log_exc(u"Sync map format is None", None, True, ValueError) if sync_map_format not in SyncMapFormat.CODE_TO_CLASS: self.log_exc(u"Sync map format '%s' is not allowed" % (sync_map_format), None, True, ValueError) if not gf.file_can_be_written(output_file_path): self.log_exc(u"Cannot write sync map file '%s'. Wrong permissions?" % (output_file_path), None, True, OSError) self.log([u"Output format: '%s'", sync_map_format]) self.log([u"Output path: '%s'", output_file_path]) self.log([u"Output parameters: '%s'", parameters]) # select levels and head/tail format pruned_syncmap = self.clone() try: select_levels(pruned_syncmap, parameters[gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_LEVELS]) except: self.log_warn([u"No %s parameter specified", gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_LEVELS]) try: set_head_tail_format(pruned_syncmap, parameters[gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_HEAD_TAIL_FORMAT]) except: self.log_warn([u"No %s parameter specified", gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_HEAD_TAIL_FORMAT]) # create writer # the constructor will check for required parameters, if any # if some are missing, it will raise a SyncMapMissingParameterError writer = (SyncMapFormat.CODE_TO_CLASS[sync_map_format])( variant=sync_map_format, parameters=parameters, rconf=self.rconf, logger=self.logger ) # create dir hierarchy, if needed gf.ensure_parent_directory(output_file_path) # open file for writing self.log(u"Writing output file...") with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as output_file: output_file.write(writer.format(syncmap=pruned_syncmap)) self.log(u"Writing output file... done")